Nick & Mahoka's wedding at Bailiffscourt Hotel

Visitors to my Instagram account (please do follow me!) will know that I regularly use the hashtag   #lovemyjob and it's true, I really really do. I got into wedding photography because I loved photography, and friends started asking me if they could pay me to do their wedding, and then their friends did, and their friends, and it's gone from there.  Hand on heart, I love what I do.  

Why? Because I get to tell a story. I get to take photographs all day - a dream come true! But not just any old photographs, the most intimate moments of a love story, the carefully thought out details of a couple's longed-for, saved-for day, the looks between siblings, the Pimms-fuelled belly laughs at terrible jokes, the tears at nervous, heartfelt father of the bride speeches, seeing the couple look around the room and taking it all in - that their dearest friends and family are there especially to celebrate their love with them.

This celebration aspect was absolutely key to Nick and Mahoka's wedding.  They got married officially in Japan last year and came over to England this week to celebrate their marriage at Bailiffscourt with a small but important congregation of friends and family, including Mahoka's family from Japan. The assembled crowd enjoyed Pimms, a delicious meal, some amazing cake (check out the fab group shot below) with English Breakfast and Japanese Green tea and then reconvened in Arundel for some drinks later. It was intimate and perfect.

Nick and Mahoka's love for life and for eachother is honestly just beautiful. They are such a warm and generous couple, the details of the day were incredible and they were genuinely so happy to be celebrating their love with such important people in their life.  I must say an ENORMOUS thank you to my friend Nicki Feltham who recommend me to them as she was booked. I am SO glad she did, I don't mean to gush on too much but my life is richer for having met them.


Please do get in touch if you would like me to tell your story.
